Atlanta Hawks – Philips Arena

Over the past few weeks, I have talked about cheap things to do in Atlanta that have to do with sports, wildlife, and art. Now, in this week’s edition, I plan on going back to sports by talking about the Atlanta Hawks, the NBA basketball team whose home court is right here in downtown Atlanta. The Atlanta Hawks have consistently been one of the better teams in the NBA, having made it to the playoffs in the past 7 years. However, I would not say that they are the best team in the NBA because they have only advanced to the second round of the playoffs 3 out of the 7 times. Nonetheless, going to a Hawks game is still exciting, and it can be done for under $50 easily.

The Atlanta Hawks play all of their home games at Philips Arena which is only a 5 minute drive from Georgia Tech’s campus. I have lived here for a very long time, however I have only attended ONE Hawks game, and I had a blast! So one of my goals this year is to make it to another game whenever I have time during the semester. One of the best parts about Atlanta Hawks games is that people can attend them for under $50 easily. Tickets for the next home game against the Detroit Pistons start at $15 a piece! What a great deal! Although I have never been a big fan of basketball, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Philips Arena when I attended a Hawks game a few years ago. I recommend this activity for anyone who is genuinely interested in sports and having a good time while saving money. So take a break from your studies on the weekend of October 18th, and come out and support your Atlanta Hawks as they take on the Detroit Pistons!


Philips Arena. Digital image. N.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. <;.

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